Let’s talk about the correlation between pelvic posture and vaginal health.

We often think of diet having an impact on our vaginal health, but surprise!
POSTURE, MOVEMENT, and BREATH also have a profound effect that is often overlooked.
The way you sit, stand, breath, walk, eliminate, and move through your daily life has an impact on your vaginal health.
Think about it this way…
Our bodies are designed to move often and freely.
Movement promotes healthy blood flow, lymphatic circulation and resiliency in our tissues,
If you are moving (or not moving) in a way that restricts your low-back, buttock, and pelvic floor muscles, you may be limiting blood circulation as well as contributing to lymphatic congestion throughout your pelvic region.
Consistently diminished blood flow and lymphatic circulation can weaken our tissues over time.
And weakened tissues are more prone to infection.
Let me give you an example.
You are struggling with a stubborn vaginal yeast infection. You are sitting at work all day, minimizing both blood flow and air flow to your pelvic floor. At the end of the day, you notice your symptoms seem to have worsened and you now have a dull ache throughout your whole pelvis.
Imagine instead…
You *stood* at your desk for part of the day. You focused on lifting your sitz-bones, lengthening your pelvic floor muscles, and swiveling or swaying your hips as you worked. Twice during the day, you took a break from your desk, drank water, and went for a short walk, focusing on breathing deeply and exhaling fully. At the end of the day, you noticed that your lower back and hips felt more comfortable (maybe a little tired!) and your yeast infection symptoms were slightly improved.
I am not saying that movement and breathing alone can heal vaginal infections.
However, healthy posture, movement, and breathing practices support the overall health our pelvic floor tissues, making them less prone to infection in the first place.
And, in the case of infection, ample blood flow and healthy lymphatic circulation help our tissues heal more efficiently and completely.
I personally have healed myself from medication resistant pelvic infections (yeast, BV and UTI’s).
I worked with holistic home remedies, elimination diets, and vaginal hygiene practices, all of which were helpful
However, it wasn’t until I added breath, posture, and movement solutions into my daily routine that I enjoyed a full resolution of chronic vaginal infections *after three years* of trying. I learend through experience that my vaginal infections were related to my low-back pain, siatica, SI-joint dysfunction, and painful sex. In that way, addressing my postural and movement patterns brought me more full-bodied, holistic healing.
So what practices *ARE* supportive for pelvic breath, posture, and movement?
- Posture: Neutral pelvic posture ~ your sitz-bones are slightly lifted with your pubic bone tracking below your frontal hip bones
- Breath: Pelvic floor breathing ~ your inhalations widen your back ribs and soften your pelvic floor. Your exhalations gently bring your navel back towards your spine and gather your pelvic floor muscles.
- Movement: Pelvic mobility ~ your hips should sway when you walk! Walk slowly, while maintaining your neutral pelvic posture, allowing your legs to *swing* like a pendulum from your pelvis.
Movement, breath, and posture are cornerstones of our health. Learning and utilizing the practices has helped women of all ages heal from infections and vitalize their overall pelvic health. You can heal your vagina! And these practices can help.