Let’s talk about RELAXIN.

Relaxin is a hormone produced by your ovaries and placenta. Relaxin is present in both pregnant and nonpregnant women, as well as men (more on that later!). It is totally magical and genius and performs several essential functions is the female body.
When secreted into the bloodstream, relaxin produces a softening of your connective tissues by activating certain receptors in those tissues.
(Connective tissues include ligaments and tendons, parts of the cervix, and all the fascia in the body)
When you are not pregnant, a surge of relaxin occurs monthly following ovulation, continuing during the second half of your moon cycle. This is thought to soften the cervix and the walls of the uterus to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg, (though just a theory, this makes sense to me). If no implantation occurs, relaxin levels drop when your blood comes.
During pregnancy, relaxin levels are highest during the first trimester, likely for the same reasons > promoting successful implantation and growth of the fetus through softening the connective tissues.
But there is more!
If you’re growing a babe, relaxin also affects your heart and kidney systems, helping you adjust to the increased needs of your baby. It is thought that relaxin helps relax the fascia and blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the kidneys and placenta, while also assisting in lymphatic circulation. SO COOL AND HELPFUL!!
Some research also shows that relaxin has the ability to help break down scar tissue, decrease inflammation, and promote wound healing. (the magic continues✨).
Relaxin levels remain elevated throughout pregnancy as well as the postpartum period. We are not sure exactly when relaxin levels begin to drop back down, but some estimates suggest that levels stay elevated for up to 12 months after weaning, or potentially throughout all of our postpartum childbearing years. Does this mean women might have the benefits of this super magical hormone for their entire mothering journey? YUP. Just another way that moms are actually the most exquisite and advanced version of humankind.❤️
Do men have relaxin? Trace amounts have been found only in semen. Why might this be the case? No clear answer, but one current theory is that the seminal relaxin would come into contact with the cervical tissue, further softening the cervix and increasing blood flow, resulting in both increased pleasure for women and increased likelihood of sperm passing through the Golden Gateway of the cervix. Our bodies are freakin’ magical.✨
Of course, relaxin can also be a culprit in pelvic instability and joint discomfort during pregnancy, as our connective tissue becomes more mobile and we generally feel less supported. (This is what causes our feet to “grow” during pregnancy – a softening of the connective tissue between all the little bones in our feet!).

But don’t despair!
There are plenty of movements and practices we can use to work WITH the genius of the pregnant body, allowing relaxin to do its important work while maintaining our comfort and stability. Check out my series of Five Essential Movements for Pregnancy with instructions about how to avoid common relaxin-induced mobility pitfalls.
Want to learn more? Join me for movement classes.
Learn more about relaxin and other movements and physiology hacks for more joyful pregnancies and easeful births.
Movement for the Female Body
IN-PERSON – Fridays 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm, EST
Essex MA at Small Magic Studio
Class sizes are kept intentionally small to ensure individualized support (4-8 students).
Prenatal Yoga
ONLINE – Wednesdays, 5:45 – 7:15 pm, EST
On Zoom. Pre-registration required.